It's easy to want to put the blame on people and/or things for your dissatisfaction with life; and want to find that perfect solution to make things better. You may think by getting more money, having more stuff, building more relationships, getting married and having kids, getting that promotion, or if someone around you had a better attitude e.t.c., your life would be so much better and you could feel more fulfilled. And yes, having all these things will create a temporary excitement and fulfillment, but this only masks the true problem. Oftentimes, you are your own problem and the only way to solve your problem is to have a thorough inward search of yourself, and work through whatever issues necessary (which could be discontentment, anger issues, impatience, a broken heart, greed etc). External things won't make you happy if you don't know what you want out of life. If you live each day being controlled by your emotions, wants and every...